Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Today is a day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.
That thought has been running through my mind all day.
I am rejoicing. Nothing out of the usual has happened. We didn't win the lottery (we don't even play). We didn't inherit money. We don't have a fortune in the bank. We don't have a fantastic vacation planned. NOTHING but every day ordinary life.
I am still rejoicing. I have six wonderful children, an adorable husband, a nice car to drive everyone around in, a roof over my head, food to eat and clothes for everyone. God has provided all my needs and many, many of my wants.
I am rejoicing in His love for me, His desire for me to be closer to Him and the world he has put around me.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries but it is up to me how I react. I want more than ever to just rejoice. Rejoice in the promise of eternal life. Rejoice in the promise that God will meet my needs according to His great riches. Rejoice that I AM LOVED by the creator of the universe.
How awesome is that? The One who created this entire universe wants to be my friend and show me His love. He wants to walk and talk to me. He wants to me tell Him my problems and concerns. He wants me to put my trust in Him. He wants me to be happy.
That is what I am rejoicing in. Everything else doesn't even matter.

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