Today is my guy's gotcha day.
It seems like only yesterday I walked into the Marriott in Guatemala in shock of the country I was in and scared to death of meeting OUR son for the first time.
At the time it seemed so odd to call Marvin our son. We had not met him or touched him. I was dying to kiss his little hands and cheeks. I wanted so much to learn about my sweetie. I wanted to hear his giggle, his squeals, even his cry.
The moment I walked into the Marriott I thought I would hyperventilate while I looked for the "red couch". Seems like there were at least 10 in my view and none with my little guy.
I heard someone call my name and turned around. At that same moment Claire said "Marvin this is your mommy. Mommy this is Marvin." and place him in my arms.
That particular moment changed my life forever. I understood how one could fall totally in love with a child in an instant without giving birth. I understood the desire to protect and care for this child. I knew what it was like to love a mother I had yet to meet and want nothing more than to thank her for this beautiful boy.
Emotions were so overwhelming. Even thinking about that day now causes me to cry.
Marvin was and is our son. God gave him to us in a little different way but he was still out boy. I loved him as much at that moment as I did the three children home in Ohio.
Blake was unable to go with me and my father went. As we sat at supper that night and I held him I was so proud. He was the most gorgeous child in the restaurant and he was a K.
As I have watch him grow I see so much of his daddy in him. He acts so much like Blake it is hard to believe. He loves his daddy and wants to be like him.
His grandpa was just as proud as he held him tight that night.
I will always remember our first night together. I just sat and stared while he was sleeping. Several times I got up just to make sure he was all right. As he was sound asleep I watched his chest raise up and down.
As I stood in the US Embassy and promised to love and care for him I was in awe of him.
My life would never be the same.

Thank you God for sending this beautiful boy to our lives. Only You know how much he has changed all of us.
Happy Gotcha Day, Marvin and Cindi!!! Marvin's such a cutie, um, I mean, handsome boy!! :) DebbieT
Happy 3rd Gotch Day sweet boy! So happy you are in that amazing family of yours! Love, Amy
Just found your blog through a Mixco bc thread. I am now waiting on the bc for my baby girl. Hope you get through this process quickly.
Lovin your BLOG and I see My Jagger must have got his SWEET CHUBBY CHEEKS from your Marvin....HUGS
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